In 1976, Bill revolutionized the guitar industry with his release of the twin blade L90. Earlier in his career, Bill spent years doing rebuilds of traditional humbuckers for players in his shop that wanted improvements to the response losses created by metal covers and mounting plates, poorly wound coils, and suboptimal core material selection, as well as further elimination of hum and noise.
The L90’s high performance design was Bill's reinvention of the humbucker for unsurpassed clarity and versatility while preserving the smooth attack quality players enjoyed from PAFs of the era. The L90 remained his favorite humbucker and is our recommendation to most players.
The original release used 4.0H for the neck and 6.0H for the lead positions, but with the reissue series Bill has extended the model choices by adding 2.0H, 2.8H, and 8.0H for a wider range of applications. Bill's general recommendation was for the 2.8H neck and 6H bridge set.